Tuesday, September 5, 2017


coming over all televisual, pre-
logical constituency of politics
and the latency they'd given our
aurora-- it doesn't matter right
now, for what it's worth, and it

yet matters right now: shackling
blackened death metal, all-ill &
coloured with the magic of heady
woe and invented proselytics, we
came we saw and we conquered but

this won't be our legacy: if you
ever build children, if they ask
of you a fish, will you give him
a serpent? so covered in rambles
and shoegazing courage to power;

here is where yggdrasil grew, at
times tilting over the materials
voided and devoid of humaneering
inspiration.. everything's fixed
in ink and currency, which won't

let this happen to our children,
you have effects & why don't you
use them? the unelected skitter-
ing-flanged author of--but can't
finish--our doubling, sword-like

epic, which has gone alternately
impressionist, decadent, surreal
and technical.. if i were to ask
you to rewind the tape, where do
you stop just because of gender.

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