Sunday, March 25, 2018


some of the little girls are such
that they're frighteningly high--
vertigo implicit in the nighttime
of duke and genesis, olden novels
that tell you all about it: ocean

breaking for its own pleasure be-
cause we don't believe in nothing
or, perhaps steeping teas in liq-
uor that doesn't intoxicate, like
giving a lucky penny to a network

for the sheer, redemptive jive of
it.. maybe you didn't acknowledge
the cliffs, the chrysalises, even
the gentle vulgarity that circul-
ated before you were born & good;

saline the selenium and sere ser-
enities of running up that hill &
cloudbusting, to borrow some salt
from the reverend and personified
identity of nature pushes butter-

fly kisses upon you, pressing the
blush on the skin that denies our
exchange values (because couldn't
you accept the objective fact the
body is holy and so are the memb-

ers?) and the energy moves nerve-
neverendings that are too import-
ant to mince words over: say what
your soul sings to you, then, are
looming and shuttled, iceblinked.

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