unprotection martyrous introspect
had began with a bark and a sign:
not making images, precisely, but
how to do things with words.. and
musculature sculpts, synergy open
on the altar and the alarms: say-
ing punking ardour and many mazzy
trees, like the floodgates opened
and together there three stand my
trinitarians & to be or not to be
crouchers, which--couched in vial
rhetoric--are scrambled like air-
waves & other inheritances due to
the offspring & progeny of dedic-
ation, musique concrète directed;
somewhere it's going to make sen-
sation resplendent in reflection,
alternate cymbal and snare pounds
that are always kept in the spare
till.. my face is spare, too also
square: divided against itself it
cannot but be derivative, however
immersion, composition, and inno-
cence are here, they are here-- a
walk in the sounds, pushes itself
bikewise and colours the textures
of a receiver-pattern, turn these
telephones off and don't mutilate
me: but on the other hand, please
remember & i am he as you are we.
had began with a bark and a sign:
not making images, precisely, but
how to do things with words.. and
musculature sculpts, synergy open
on the altar and the alarms: say-
ing punking ardour and many mazzy
trees, like the floodgates opened
and together there three stand my
trinitarians & to be or not to be
crouchers, which--couched in vial
rhetoric--are scrambled like air-
waves & other inheritances due to
the offspring & progeny of dedic-
ation, musique concrète directed;
somewhere it's going to make sen-
sation resplendent in reflection,
alternate cymbal and snare pounds
that are always kept in the spare
till.. my face is spare, too also
square: divided against itself it
cannot but be derivative, however
immersion, composition, and inno-
cence are here, they are here-- a
walk in the sounds, pushes itself
bikewise and colours the textures
of a receiver-pattern, turn these
telephones off and don't mutilate
me: but on the other hand, please
remember & i am he as you are we.