Tuesday, August 28, 2018


braken stander and immanence that
insists, thrusting fists and oth-
er shibboleths that downplay this
inanimate kitsch: if you say that
you know of what matter consists,

i don't trust you, as a matter of
course, but i still expect you to
work your lazy miracles upon me--
dismal status, checking the track
against the pumping iron, running

animals who don't understand what
a hurdle is, how decadent & free!
there's not always innovation and
i am getting really tired and all
of my fingers are braken stander;

laetitia loves me nevertheless, a
star that bursts between my teeth
in my mouth melting on my tongue,
il n'y a pas rapport de sexuel to
cycling flirt like underwater in-

sufferance, yet the flutter moves
the spokes but the cards actually
make the noise.. helpful and kind
you of the capital-and-quilting i
see myself in a rising threat and

not the smoke i breathe but these
gilt letters trace anthropologies
back through the cities and time,
and when we get where we're going
all'll've been surprisingly easy.

Friday, August 24, 2018


how could you have loved me there
where i was felled on all fours--
no thanks for the attentively af-
fectionate, sometimes, as in this
case who kept the keys & reported

so, so drawling slow threefold, a
portrait that hanging shines, and
i have to know and learn, growing
that i am worth it.. lo & behold-
er that roots in the groundations

of grief and healing, masterhood,
and the flying that results: when
i build me anew in the shape that
was traced by your kisses further
confess to all of us love's true;

oh heavy-headed animal who's been
led by the muzzle, treading water
for the sake of a light thing yes
god you were always illustrious--
dree your weird ever generous yet

lit-upon-castling, throat remains
indescribably good and my stories
are also appalling.. a surrealist
and a dada walk into a bar: žižek
the infinities palmed and opening

the moth, holding the cups, given
blacked the board decline again &
really won't happen, my mind's in
the gutter but honestly i feel as
if i make sense, belonging there.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


telegram to nina misinterpretable
and underfunded, with the italic-
ised article subsumed in the slip
has got me weymouthed, multifoil-
ed application of positives found

in the immanent and kant-- number
is so useful: positively resister
lineage underfunnelling heavy red
rocks, as well as yes i know, the
wellknown ecstasies we're heir to

and count.. my locks are red, too
simple and indivisible to suffer-
ing poll and have been shaved was
not was confucius: input signator
put that in your vape & vaped it;

the immensity going forward--with
natural wonders all phenomena ap-
proved--good credit bad credit no
credit, faller that creeps silent
to school within the dawning of a

dreadful day: i always thought we
understood one another, and judg-
ment doesn't apply.. palindromic-
al slumber and somber institution
descriptively maken by the dollar

and its disciples, oh, oh, oh the
summer nights! apple-orchard rose
intuiting the names of everything
that there could just possibly be
yet the link remains unbreakable.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


nearer by god taken in the lasted
burst, movements unspoken in long
tongues that usurp and affix-- it
was a long, long time ago, and it
was talking to me with the voices

implicit in understanding loving-
kindnesses (all covered in giving
poor and heavy-laden, wearier the
artistical nap of bit-collected &
edited health) which put the idea

so safely at home: plugged it in,
as it were naming the rhythm, yet
holding fast all melody and these
used to be big, strong hands.. my
father's neither black nor white;

sing illustrating, monumental re-
finished school palmed like vict-
orious orielling lisas, susannah/
mio the address on the green poll
and exagminate heavier and petite

that subsists whilst overflowing:
sing to thrive, massive angels or
even the violence can be forgot..
love and forgive, utter attitudes
built on a frame whitewashed por-

traiture bent and strangling how-
ever allusive yet having a friend
and as the images crystallise new
and imaginative--much like images
and nonetheless--inversion swims.