impelliteri the busted-up shrouds
the hands, and alliterating hours
backing away conspiratorially the
celestine vertex holds the worlds
together, much like queen's milk:
wisener habituate us with harden-
ing euphoria, instantiating, that
structures bend & recapitulate to
an immured science ever so roman,
and predisposed to brutal justice
as well, as well as terrible mer-
cy, dawn, life out of time warred
its way to summit, council, other
colours that we now know were sad
and ineffectual in light of fact;
i've never wanted anything and so
i judge myself absent.. invocator
votive noctuary, crowning & stam-
mering, spilling the arpeggiating
anticipation precipitate and made
fuller in its uncontrollable glee
like a glass cavalcade that sorts
bright blood into the arteries of
a dark horror of night, later the
replenishing routine of daybreak,
and while she shelters slaughter-
ous hearts in her thought, and an
immunity blended with irradiance,
forever, blanches in the sunlight
sun & desert, a surfeit of water.
the hands, and alliterating hours
backing away conspiratorially the
celestine vertex holds the worlds
together, much like queen's milk:
wisener habituate us with harden-
ing euphoria, instantiating, that
structures bend & recapitulate to
an immured science ever so roman,
and predisposed to brutal justice
as well, as well as terrible mer-
cy, dawn, life out of time warred
its way to summit, council, other
colours that we now know were sad
and ineffectual in light of fact;
i've never wanted anything and so
i judge myself absent.. invocator
votive noctuary, crowning & stam-
mering, spilling the arpeggiating
anticipation precipitate and made
fuller in its uncontrollable glee
like a glass cavalcade that sorts
bright blood into the arteries of
a dark horror of night, later the
replenishing routine of daybreak,
and while she shelters slaughter-
ous hearts in her thought, and an
immunity blended with irradiance,
forever, blanches in the sunlight
sun & desert, a surfeit of water.