Wednesday, June 15, 2016


initiation to comedown, circus of
fifty years and the rubrics known
unto film, scored-- an ascending,
marked time to the tenor of bomb-
astic jungle and breaking forth i

called my own name, to see if you
could still spell, and the result
was fascinating beyond belief, my
self-will run riot upon my tiding
and phases to weather me with the

pleasure of islands in the centre
of the earth.. a big, blocked-out
trawl for juniper and lamentation
that doesn't end, does not, simp-
ly doesn't end, forevermore amen;

sticking planning, note to naomi:
i have given you your sobriquets,
and wish to allure you to the mad
and washing surf that rolls blind
into the sunset and as is suppos-

ed from there onto space-- could-
n't bask any farther than that or
dream ahead of myself for the six
virtues of nous and phenomena, in
other words saying how struggling

to keep from strangling on worn &
tired lace and wicker, i supplant
her offering with honey, dew, and
rosewater, so that i can find the
way from the labyrinth unscathed.

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