ceramic intaglio rosette with the
stained-glass soul of compassion-
ate lives left lived, building to
an heavenly climax: that sustains
throughever for the glory of love
integral and kind.. used to be my
mussed hair and charms, into this
becoming that is comely and good,
innocent childrens' laughter that
buoys the seat of haloed, temper-
ate, languaged ages--and its rock
will not erode however sunlit his
sea--crafted with the care of the
gardener, roll over me with space
& our permanent autonomous zones;
i only want to lift love in hands
cleaned by beatitude, singing al-
leluia without end, and settle my
face in the everlasting gaze-- on
a march and evening yourself into
the image of mirrored wits match-
ed resounding eternal with quali-
fied angels whose breathing, syn-
chronized with the symphonic past
to generate future, rings veriti-
es beyond temporal comprehension,
whitens the stormed seasons of an
obvious currency, and comes conf-
ident again ahead operatically: a
long story that ends quite happy.
stained-glass soul of compassion-
ate lives left lived, building to
an heavenly climax: that sustains
throughever for the glory of love
integral and kind.. used to be my
mussed hair and charms, into this
becoming that is comely and good,
innocent childrens' laughter that
buoys the seat of haloed, temper-
ate, languaged ages--and its rock
will not erode however sunlit his
sea--crafted with the care of the
gardener, roll over me with space
& our permanent autonomous zones;
i only want to lift love in hands
cleaned by beatitude, singing al-
leluia without end, and settle my
face in the everlasting gaze-- on
a march and evening yourself into
the image of mirrored wits match-
ed resounding eternal with quali-
fied angels whose breathing, syn-
chronized with the symphonic past
to generate future, rings veriti-
es beyond temporal comprehension,
whitens the stormed seasons of an
obvious currency, and comes conf-
ident again ahead operatically: a
long story that ends quite happy.
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