Tuesday, August 22, 2017


of angelic punk, we shan't speak
nor give direction, yet whirling
suffices to stay and potentiated
the stream of stark raving, con-
temned for lending its letter to

the transhumanist gaze and temp-
orary autonomy: delving further,
it's easily discernible that the
furor of lost and found meets at
the interstice of shadows--burn-

ing--and colour--perpetrated--in
a skinning, stone, electric mar-
vel which cannot be invoked, nor
can it be adumbrated with accum-
ulation or sophistical critique;

all this seems to say the heart-
ening execution of republic with
all of the preservation inherent
therein, in fact progressing on-
to the substrate casting of liv-

ing-skull preponderance, a time-
less aphorism that transmutes an
effervescent nonsense simultane-
ous to the vibrations of rocking
heavy water: later, this becomes

the sensual crossing of connect-
ed, heliacal programmes contain-
ing good data that have been un-
organized and convey little more
than nonbeing that's everything.

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