you've been wintering in spacey,
solvent home retrograde theorist
who's got the whole world in her
hands, power to know and will to
silence, mere philosophy hinder-
ed the intellect with handicaps,
bergeron sunburst crippling also
blood-- i came to you without in
the inference of geometry proved
nothingness orbiting our attempt
to map the science of intuition,
which learned us, utterly rubric
and generative dance with scalar
drunkenness yet style, defensive
and built for perpetual collage;
strummer shocked with tropics, a
book in the building and a woman
who carries her stockings on her
legs, semi-attached, as it wants
pulse to subsist in theatrical &
creative, decadent liberty.. you
glance at the portrait, and find
a flaw which we've done our best
to efface but fluent harmonics &
reedy jangling allure us to out-
skirts, long enough to cover the
subject & short enough to remain
interesting, did you just create
a joke and will you put the ket-
tle on listening for the secret.
solvent home retrograde theorist
who's got the whole world in her
hands, power to know and will to
silence, mere philosophy hinder-
ed the intellect with handicaps,
bergeron sunburst crippling also
blood-- i came to you without in
the inference of geometry proved
nothingness orbiting our attempt
to map the science of intuition,
which learned us, utterly rubric
and generative dance with scalar
drunkenness yet style, defensive
and built for perpetual collage;
strummer shocked with tropics, a
book in the building and a woman
who carries her stockings on her
legs, semi-attached, as it wants
pulse to subsist in theatrical &
creative, decadent liberty.. you
glance at the portrait, and find
a flaw which we've done our best
to efface but fluent harmonics &
reedy jangling allure us to out-
skirts, long enough to cover the
subject & short enough to remain
interesting, did you just create
a joke and will you put the ket-
tle on listening for the secret.