Sunday, November 19, 2017


aurelian mystic, natured & good,
like the electronic sigh, which,
having moved upon the faces this
girl was watching, chimes beauty
unutterable and unforgettable in

the same width as a breath, mak-
ing beautiful sustenance for our
family and its savior-- what the
truth said was almost graspable:
came covered up like a shadowing

parable and the mouth that gives
voice to the pooling of honeys &
milk, in the future.. o how holy
my savior, my master and my king
united triumvirate triumphantly;

all the poetry--over the millen-
nia--coalesced into the wavering
sign between the eyes of the in-
dian girl, whose arms were lift-
ed hands dancing to feel an ult-

imate and everlasting rhythm the
world whispered to itself "we've
forgotten.." as safe as nothing,
so that her palms could trace an
hypersigil in the skies that un-

beknownst to us all were secret-
ively withholding their clouding
rains, waiting for the chance to
enthrone her and wreath her with
stars but it went on from there.

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