Monday, October 16, 2017


hysterical crackology immutes my
black-and-blind honour program i
put in the horror of an environ-
ment that resists change and re-
sists submersion, believing as i

do that immersion is the only a-
postolic form of baptism.. unuse
of interrupt, defined so freely:
whether you want it latinate, or
even unencumbered, the dream ar-

gument doesn't convince me as it
once did, which is not to say we
don't also desire the one dream,
people of? interpeopled fantasi-
es that suffer dream sicknesses;

jungle gets edited-- i have ever
been one to punctuate and play--
imputing a new discourse, super-
imposing it perhaps, but without
the spectacle of military and it

looks like not even revolution..
my mind is not strong enough to,
and my heart may fail, in time i
think, but i've dreamt as legib-
ly as i find it was possible to,

given the whiteline program, and
teaching, being given, seems im-
portantly facile yet struggling,
the portion left to the biblical
allures us more fairly than sex.

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