Sunday, October 8, 2017


scanner, blinked up skinning and
magnificent arranged, rays their
colours with somnolence, all the
better to see you with-- intoned
muscular personality & pessoa, a

book of masters can't, and fact-
icity prescribes that such as my
book of lossless can't, too.. be
it loved and windswept, the care
and inherent grandeur of delusi-

ons that moves under us like the
names they call this girl: you'd
better know that she is holy and
call upon her with the pulses of
your own heart, heavens abiding;

i don't look back once i've got-
ten to the ironic reversal: this
is a study in teleliterature, if
the spines are broken or other..
prophetic bible and hymnal twin-

ning consist of the word whether
set to songs or simply said, how
gorgeous and apparent a disposi-
tif of parallax serpentined much
over the forgotten rhyme & writ-

ing home-- my eyes may be blind-
ed, but so may my tongue cleave:
and there is a river the streams
whereof shall make glad the city
of god & my lord keeps a record.

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