Saturday, February 10, 2018


reduction, confronted the green
vista of highwaymen, thieves we
stole into the interstate comb-
ing the floors of rivers & sit-
ted the throne upright in situ-

ationist demolish serious cult-
ure: break my sternum with that
colourable and precious lolling
around the park days that you'd
done, not trying to be feminist

or politically correct, or even
a person of colour: but i'd got
my own palette nonetheless, can
subside into the bath simmering
with salt & bas-relief octaves;

whatever this is it can hold no
sway over us, anymore-- drinker
of chalk and reviewer of books,
metropolitan in the expanse the
moving sidewalk pencilled in to

illustrate and redefine a spur-
ious lack that tells the entire
story of my childhood and later
adolescence and subsequent mat-
urity-- whatever this is it can

fuck right off, in my opinion &
the modes are cliché, the woman
bowed out before the third act,
and the psychiatrist is student
to the child: dreadful agonies.

1 comment:

  1. Wolfman’s BROTHER, Fire on the mountain, BABE, BUNNIES,dreams, mirrors, candles and being in love with your sister #inspiration
