Sunday, February 18, 2018


triangular panegyric that seed-
ed the fey, sleepy boundaries..
maybe try something different a
time or two? as-is pocketful of
iron pyrite that gazes, applied

with a brush and maybe stacking
snares-- no-one home bemused as
a brilliant rush of relativity,
it's a trick, see? so internal-
ly pure and awarded letter like

the spartan flighted emmy & hu-
go, a merely unpronounceable qi
that gusts like solid cold wind
and settles, dusking quartered,
into the laughter and applause;

axiomatisation is surely possi-
ble if you ask me: and i didn't
want to wake to the kiss of the
spider woman, but--upon reading
enough books--one tends to fall

a bit faster, proving.. what? i
rhymed, bubbling over the safe-
ty and its implications, but do
you know what i learned? i felt
my muscles moving northeastern,

as if if i kept on walking some
day i would have alchemised the
pocketful into something like a
windfall: oh, it was redoubling
all the time that i was silent.

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